The goal of tuRtle is to parse or export R data with the Turtle syntax for the Resource Description Framework (RDF). This is a very early version that is being co-developed with the dataset package.
You can install the development version of tuRtle with remotes::install_github()
remotes::install_github("dataobservatory-eu/tuRtle", build = FALSE)
Let us organise statements into a table of s subject, p predicate and o object:
tdf <- data.frame (s = c("eg:01","eg:02", "eg:01", "eg:02", "eg:01" ),
p = c("a", "a", "eg-var:", "eg-var:", "rdfs:label"),
o = c("qb:Observation",
'"Example observation"')
s | p | o |
eg:01 | a | qb:Observation |
eg:02 | a | qb:Observation |
eg:01 | eg-var: | “1”^^ |
eg:02 | eg-var: | “2”^^ |
eg:01 | rdfs:label | “Example observation” |
The Turtle serialisation is this, written into an example_file
. The parameter ttl_namespace = NULL
results in using the default prefixes of the dataset package.
example_file<- file.path(tempdir(), "example_ttl.ttl")
ttl_write(tdf=tdf, ttl_namespace = NULL, file_path = example_file)
#> [1] "@prefix owl: <> ."
#> [2] "@prefix qb: <> ."
#> [3] "@prefix rdf: <> ."
#> [4] "@prefix rdfs: <> ."
#> [5] "@prefix xsd: <> ."
#> [6] ""
#> [7] ""
#> [8] "eg:01 a qb:Observation;"
#> [9] " eg-var: \"1\"^^<xs:decimal> ;"
#> [10] " rdfs:label \"Example observation\" ."
#> [11] ""
#> [12] ""
#> [13] "eg:02 a qb:Observation;"
#> [14] " eg-var: \"2\"^^<xs:decimal> ."
#> [15] ""
#> [16] ""
Code of Conduct
Please note that the tuRtle project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.